Fish Creek Falls is one of the natural beauties that grace Steamboat Springs. From the parking lot there are a couple of trails - one to the overlook, the other down to the falls and up over the mountain. So first morning in Steamboat, we trekked first out to the overlook. How spectacular! The falls was running so fast, from this look of it, we might have been at Yellowstone. Turns out the town of Steamboat is first in line for water off the continental divide. They have a processing plant not far from the fall. The tap water in town is superb.
Fish Creek Falls |
On the way down we saw a number of the usual suspects. The trail is not very steep and it is easy to dally.
Eriogunum umbellatum on the hillside |
Linum perenne at the overlook garden |
Mertensia in the ditch |
Rubus parviflorus at the bend |
The view from the bridgte |
Many years ago there were so many fish in the stream, one merely had to hold out a net to supply dinner. This day, the water is running a little fast for that. In fact, records are being set for the time of year for amount of flow in Fish Creek, the Yampa and Elk. Along the far side of the bridge some cystoperis looking ferns were winding there way along the stone work on the one side, and a nice shrub was blooming on the other.
Hiking up the trail there were a few other natural wonders of the plant variety for our enjoyment. Keying them out may be a different matter.